Hébert et al. (2007): study CA Quebec 2006
- Author(s):
- Hébert, R.; Ducharme, F.; Gendron, C.; Gendron, M.
- Title:
- Le Programme "Apprendre à être Mieux...et Mieux Aider" à l' Intention des Aidants Familiaux d'un Parent atteint de Démence vivant à Domicile. (The Programme "Learning to Feel Better"...and Care Better).
- Source:
- Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 2007, Vol. 28, 81 - 102
- Public
- Family caregivers followed before and after stress coping programme, Canada, Quebec, 2006
- Sample
- Non-probability self-selected
- Respondents
- N = 118
- Non Response
- 18%
- Assessment
- Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings
- Full text:
Self report on 10 questions:
During the past few weeks, did you ever feel ....? (yes/no)
A Particularly excited or interested in something?
B So restless that you couldn't sit long in a chair?
C Proud because someone complimented you on something
you had done?
D Very lonely or remote from other people?
E Pleased about having accomplished something?
F Bored?
G On top of the world?
H Depressed or very unhappy?
I That things were going your way?
J Upset because someone criticized you?
Answer options and scoring:
yes = 1
no = 0
-Positive Affect Score (PAS): A+C+E+G+I
-Negative Affect Score (NAS): B+D+F+H+J
-Affect Balance Score (ABS): PAS minus NAS
Possible range: -5 to +5
Name: Bradburn's 'Affect Balance Scale' (standard version) - Classification:
- A-BB-cm-mq-v-2-a
- Author's label:
- Affective balance
- Remarks:
- The possible range on this version of Bradburn's Affect Balance Scale is 0 to 20. The observed T1 mean on that range was 10,98 in the experimental group and 10,50 in the control group.
The standard mean presented above was obtained by substracting 10 point. - Page in publication:
- 92
- Observed distribution
- Summary Statistics
- On original range -5 - 5 On range 0-10
- Mean:
- 0.98 5.98
- SD:
- - -